You Fulfill the Mission. We Manage the Technology.

Non-profit organizations (NPO) embody the spirit of ’do more with less.’ As a non-profit owner, you rely on volunteers and donors to support your mission and fulfill your cause. We understand that delivering exceptional services is crucial for your organization to continue receiving the support it depends on.

Logical Net stands out in offering comprehensive IT support services to non-profits in the Capital Region of Upstate, NY. With our extensive experience in providing IT support to non-profit organizations (NPO), we empower non-profits to proactively plan and avoid unexpected costs, ensuring their resources are maximized for their mission.

Here are common IT services needed by non-profits:

  • Installation, Configuration and Troubleshooting IT related services
  • Grant, Discount and Donation Acquisition
  • Cloud Centered Data Management
  • Data Security and Periodic Backup
  • On-demand IT consultation and support

Our mission at Logical Net is to remove IT troubleshooting and downtime and simplify IT management. We provide cost-effective IT solutions that assist with your day-to-day administrative tasks. This way, you can focus on managing your mission while we care for your IT needs.

We help non-profits and charities spend their budgets on the most useful things while providing great service that supports their IT needs. Call us now for a free consultation.